Art That Inspires: AgriCULTURE

Why support local food and agriculture? For Boulder County Farmers Markets, this central question – our why – feels like the sort of wondering that is answered best when it can be experienced. Why does this apple cost more than what I can get at the grocery store? Bite into it, and you’ll discover its flavor and crunch can’t be compared to 2 for $1 crops. Why should I go out of my way to purchase dairy and meat from local farmers? Try giving their cows a scratch on the snout and walk away preferring to purchase from factory farms where animal welfare doesn’t matter.  Why should we all care about supporting local food businesses? Enjoy a sample and conversation with a small business owner, and pretty soon you’ll find yourself rooting for them, too. 

In an age when we’re more connected to our smart devices than our neighbors, the community surrounding local food can be just as nourishing as the bounty itself. As farmers markets, it’s our responsibility to curate those lightbulb moments that catapult casual shoppers into lifelong local food enthusiasts. This is why Boulder County Farmers Markets is proud to support the AgriCULTURE: Art inspired by the Land exhibition as it embarks to create the kinds of experiences that transform our understanding of local food and agriculture. 

AgriCULTURE: Art inspired by the Land is a collaborative, contemporary art exhibition pairing more than 15 artists with Boulder County farmers to create new, site-specific visual works inspired by farming and the natural world. This exhibition aims to unfold a unique experience by intersecting art and agriculture in hopes to inspire visitors to think about their own connection with nature in new ways. Currently on display at the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art (BMoCA) and the Longmont Museum, residents throughout Boulder County can roam through thoughtful artworks on a wide range of topics relating to farming, land access, and community.

Market-goers can expect to find art created in partnership with three Boulder County Farmers Market vendors: MASA Farm and Seed Foundation, Aspen Moon Farm, and Black Cat Organic Farm. “Beyond our family, our greatest treasure is to be a part of this wonderful community,” said Eric Skokan, who with his wife Jill owns and operates Black Cat Farm and its farm-to-table restaurant, Bramble & Hare. “We see our farm as one of the many threads that hold our community together. For us, the agriCULTURE exhibit was a meaningful time for reflection on the how and why we do this work. To see our work reflected through the eyes and masterfully skilled hands of a gifted artist was stunning. To see our work literally woven through our place is profound.”

The exhibition is on display at the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art through October 1. Admission is free during market hours, so be sure to stop by before you grab your market haul during the Boulder Farmers Market on Wednesdays and Saturdays. The Longmont Museum will continue to host the exhibition through January 7, 2024. Visit their website to learn about admission prices. Discounted prices are available for seniors, students, and individuals who qualify for SNAP. Admission is free every second Saturday of the month.

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